Terms & Conditions

Trade activity Rubicon Cosmetics, provides a service via the website at the domain www.rubicon-cosmetics.com. The service consists of providing information, online shopping and transactions, and managing site content.
On the domain www.rubicon-cosmetics.com, the conditions and rules for the sale and purchase of products in the Rubicon Cosmetics Shop online store are determined.

The terms of use are made in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina and according to international customs of online business.
By using the Rubicon Cosmetics Shop online store, each user should read the terms of use and accept the same terms. If for some reason the user does not agree with the terms of use of the online store, he should refrain from using it or inform the customer service about possible defects or errors at no. 066/110-804 or to the e-mail address rubiconcosmetics@gmail.com

Rubicon Cosmetics Shop online store is open every day of the year from 0-24 hours. Anyone with access to the Internet and a browser such as Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox can access the online store. Any person who has read and accepted the terms of use can make a purchase in the Rubicon Cosmetics Shop online store.

Access to the online store may be disabled temporarily due to data updates, site renewal or some other technical problems.

The prices listed on www.rubicon-cosmetics.com are expressed in BAM currency including VAT and are valid at the time of receipt, i.e. sending orders. The offer of items on www.rubicon-cosmetics.com is valid until the stock runs out or until the end of the publication of the offer.

Each user of the Rubicon Cosmetics Shop online store voluntarily uses the content available on the site for their own needs and at their own risk and voluntarily accepts the terms of use. It is forbidden to use any malicious programs or applications in order to download content from the site, also any hacker attacks on the site www.rubicon-cosmetics.com are strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized, illegal use and use that is contrary to the terms of use of the site www.rubicon-cosmetics.com is subject to legal action.

Photos in the online store www.rubicon-cosmetics.com may be illustrative in nature and may not correspond to the exact appearance of the product. Product information and product description on www.rubicon-cosmetics.com may contain errors and are subject to change and modification. Rubicon Cosmetics Shop will try to provide the most accurate information and to describe the given product as precisely as possible, as well as to make the product photo appropriate. The user or buyer on the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com evaluates the accuracy of the information and makes the purchase voluntarily and at his own risk. Rubicon Cosmetics Shop will not be responsible for damages caused by the customer’s reliance on information provided on the www.rubicon-cosmetics.com page.

Rubicon Cosmetics Shop strives to provide the best possible service. Rubicon Cosmetics Shop cannot guarantee that the service will meet your needs and that the service will be error-free. If you notice any of the errors, please contact the contact center at no. 066/110-804 or e-mail: rubiconcosmetics@gmail.com

Rubicon Cosmetics Shop is not responsible for any damage or damage to the user’s equipment caused when using the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com. The user is responsible for damages or irregularities caused by any error, disconnection, deletion, delay in operation, transmission, computer virus, unauthorized access, negligence or any other action.

www.rubicon-cosmetics.com is privately owned and owned by the company “Rubicon Cosmetics”. Mutual communication that takes place through this site must be in accordance with the terms of use.

Users and visitors to this site may not post or transmit through this site any material that threatens or in any way violates the rights of others, material that is illegal, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy, vulgar or otherwise undesirable. The user of www.rubicon-cosmetics.com may not use the site for advertising for any commercial or non-commercial purposes.

The materials found on www.rubicon-cosmetics.com are the property of the company “Rubicon Cosmetics” Bijeljina and are protected by copyright, trademark and design. Any copying, publication and distribution without the prior approval of Rubicon Cosmetics is strictly prohibited.

Rubicon Cosmetics Shop can terminate cooperation with any user at any time if it considers that the user’s behavior is unacceptable and does not comply with the terms of use.

Consent and change of rules

The terms of use of the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com prescribe the rules for users or customers. By using the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com, end users accept and agree to the terms of use of the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com. The right to use the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com is the personal right of each user and cannot be transferred to other persons, nor can other natural or legal persons be registered.

If the user does not agree with the terms of use and rules, he should refrain from using this site.

Rubicon Cosmetics Shop can at any time and without prior notice to the user, if it deems necessary, delete a certain part of the terms of use or change a certain part of the terms of use if necessary. Therefore, we advise the users of this page to periodically re-read the terms of use in order to be accurately informed about possible changes on the page. Continuing to use the site implies that the user agrees to the terms of use as well as the changes.

The end user agrees that the use of the website www.rubicon-cosmetics.com is the sole responsibility of the user and that Rubicon Cosmetics Shop does not guarantee the consequences that may arise from the use of the site or the accuracy and reliability of data or information.

We are at your disposal for any additional information or any questions. You can contact us via the info line at no. 066/110-804 or to the e-mail address: rubiconcosmetics@gmail.com.

Contact us at rubiconcosmetics@gmail.com for questions related to refunds and returns.